

“My creativity is a manifestation of my relationship with nature and the reverence I hold for it. I experience nature with all of my senses. These experiences nourish my perception of otherness. In turn, I hope to transubstantiate my empathy through emotion as intuitive and expressive content in my work.”

Shawn Faust is not just an artist, but a custodian of nature's beauty. With an unyielding respect and deep reverence for the natural world, he channels his lifelong fascination with perception into remarkable works of art. Faust's artistic journey is centered around the intricate dance between atmospheric light and the graceful forms of animals, which never fails to captivate and inspire him.

 Drawing from his classical training in oils, Faust embraces the rich traditions of portraiture as a symbolic homage to his subjects. Through his brushstrokes, he orchestrates a symphony of colors and textures, resulting in masterworks that seek to elevate the status and awareness of the creatures that share our planet.

 As one of America's leading equine artists, Faust's talent has been widely acknowledged and celebrated. His association with prestigious institutions such as the American Academy of Equine Art as a Signature member, the Portrait Society of America as a founding member, and the Oil Painters of America as an Associate member speak volumes about his exceptional skill and dedication.

Faust's artistic accomplishments have taken him around the globe, with recent participation in the esteemed 2019 Beijing International Art Biennale in China leaving an indelible mark on his career. His awe-inspiring works have also graced the walls of renowned galleries and museums across the United States, including the Wildlife Experience Museum in Parker, CO, the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington, DE, the Biggs Museum of American Art in Dover, DE, Sage Creek Gallery in Santa Fe, NM, and the Spa Fine Art Gallery in Saratoga Springs, NY.

 The enduring legacy of Faust's art can be seen in the permanent collections of the National Museum of Horse Racing and Hall of Fame in Saratoga Springs, NY, the National Museum of China in Beijing, China, and the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in Washington, DC. Each stroke of his brush is a testament to his unyielding commitment to preserving the beauty of nature for future generations.

 With every new creation, Shawn Faust invites us to pause, reflect, and cherish the innate splendor that surrounds us. His art serves as a poignant reminder that our relationship with the natural world is not one of dominance, but of awe and interconnectedness.

Inspirational Quotes

“My art is grounded in the belief of one universal energy which runs through everything: from insect to man, from man to spectre, from spectre to plant from plant to galaxy… My works are the irrigation veins of this universal fluid. Through them ascend the ancestral sap, the original beliefs, the primordial accumulations, the unconscious thoughts that animate the world”
Ana Mendieta

“People look at nature from a very utilitarian point of view and see what is good for them and seek to manage it rather than protect it. I want to move people to a more experiential philosophy of the natural world, that way you can protect it. And if you want to protect it, go out in it.”
Satish Kumar

“Painting from nature is not copying the object; it is realizing one's sensations.”
Paul Cezanne

“For the artist, communication with nature remains the most essential condition. The artist is human; himself nature; part of nature within natural space . . . Man painted and danced long before he learned to write and construct. These senses of form and tone are his primordial heritage”
Paul Klee
